5th Endless Summer Motorcycle Training Event in Monterey

July 16-20, 2025

We are offering a unique opportunity to learn to ride — or improve your riding — at one of the most celebrated motorcycling venues in the world, WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca! This is an incredible opportunity to bask yourself in an amazing motorcycling experience.

We will be holding basic, intermediate and advanced classes in a safe and relaxed environment, at the paved lakebed area of the venue.

July 16-17
CMSP Basic Licensing Courses
Price: $425

The CMSP Motorcyclist Training Course (MTC) is designed for the novice rider with no (or limited) street-riding experience. The MTC is a two-day course that consists of 5 hours of classroom instruction and 10 hours of riding practice. During this motorcycle riding course, you will learn fundamental skills required to operate the motorcycle and progress to street riding skills and strategies. Even though the Motorcycle Training Course was designed with new riders in mind, most experienced riders that have taken the course have reported improving their riding skills considerably with it!

Upon successful completion of the Motorcyclist Training Course you will receive a DMV riding test waiver. There are written and riding evaluations after the course to ensure you have competence in the material covered in the basic course. You must pass both evaluations to graduate. Motorcycles and helmets are provided to all our students for the riding practice portion of the course.

July 18
Intermediate Courses with Licensing Option
Price: $425

The CMSP 1-Day Premier Course is the perfect way to achieve your motorcycle license if you already have some riding experience under your belt. This course includes both classroom and on-cycle instruction. Riders will have the option to either take it on their own motorcycle or do it in one of our available loaner bikes. Upon successful completion of the 1DPC, you will receive a DMV riding test waiver. There are written and riding evaluations during the course to ensure you have competence in the material covered in this intermediate course. You must pass all evaluations to graduate.

IMPORTANT: Students who attend this class to obtain their license must be at least 21 years old and will be required to demonstrate fundamental riding skills by passing a basic riding evaluation at the beginning of the class, similar to the Motorcycle Skills Test applied by the California DMV. You must successfully complete this test in order to continue with the rest of the class.

July 19
Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic, Level 1
Price: $475

Whether you want to become a more proficient and safer rider on the street—or a faster rider on the track—mastering advanced riding techniques is crucial and should not be postponed until it is too late. Unfortunately, most advanced riding courses in the country are only offered in high-speed racetrack environments. The fear of crashing at high speeds and the pressure of other riders flying by are too intimidating to most motorcyclists so they never take this important step forward.

During our Advanced Riding Clinics, every drill is performed one at a time, and at street-legal speeds, in a controlled environment. After each run, you will receive professional, concise coaching on the specific skills you need to work on to transform your riding. From cruisers to sportbikes, all types of motorcycles and riding styles are welcome to attend.

July 20
Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic, Level 2
Price: $475

The Total Control® ARC, Level 2 takes off where Level 1 left off. More challenging exercises and riding technology from the best-selling book Total Control adds additional advanced techniques to any experienced rider's "toolbox." Where the TC ARCSM builds proficiency in your riding, Level 2 puts you on a path to true mastery.

The TC ARCSM L2 is the perfect next step for those wishing to continue their advanced training as part of a lifelong learning regimen. (Note: All participants MUST have completed Total Control ARC®, Level 1 as a prerequisite. No exceptions.)